Related projects

List of the projects relevant to Life – FROSTDEFEND

LIFE-ACCEPTAIR & LIFE INDEXAIRFROSTDEFEND will uptake the knowledge gained through the
implementation of both projects. The gained expertise in development and implementation of policy tools and development of Action Plans will be used
1. www2.ipta.demokritos.gr/acept-air/
2. https://www.lifeindexair.net/
LIFE-AIRUSERegards the impact and contribution of natural sources on particulate matter concentrations in Mediterranean countrieshttp://airuse.eu/
FP7 BACCHUSThe gained knowledge concerning the relationships between Ice nucleation Particles and total aerosol number concentrations and the developed databases will be taken into account for the development of the LIFE-FROSTDEFEND toolhttps://www.bacchus-fp7.eu/bacchus-project/
EnTEC (FP7-REGPOT-2012-2013-1)The project will directly uptake from EnTEC project, by using the
instrumentation and databases from the HAC research infrastructure in Peloponnese Greece
EMPIR – Black CarbonThe project will uptake the knowledge gained through the implementation of the project regarding the contribution of black carbon, which may also act as INP, on particulate matter concentrationhttp://www.empirblackcarbon.com/